jeudi, octobre 09, 2008

Halloween 2

Halloween is coming up soon. Missy would have been perfectly happy wearing last year's costume, Pooh Bear, however she no longer fits into it. She's not terribly disappointed though, not since finding an Abby costume! Abby is one of the characters of Sesame Street. She is looking forward to Halloween, she remembers it from last year. I think she'll have more fun this year now that she is a little older and better understands what to do.

Phone upgrades 2

Ever since we moved to our New City, we have not been able to get cell phone reception inside our house. We can walk outside our house and get some reception to make calls. Well that's pretty darn inconvenient!

We are in the process of changing our wireless phone service provider, and as a result, we had to get new phones. We received the phones today, one gray phone, one purple phone. I asked Missy, "which phone is daddy's?" She replied, "the gray phone." Then I asked her, "which is mommy's phone?" She said, "oh, your phone is in your purse!" Then I asked, "whose phone is the purple one?". She said, "that's MY phone!" Hmm. She's already getting ideas here...

The phones don't work yet, or haven't yet be activated. We're still waiting...


samedi, mai 17, 2008

Potty Milestone

Yay, after over a year's attempt at potty training Miss M, she finally pooped in her potty chair for the first time yesterday!!! We'll see if we can get consistent repeat performances in the potty chair. (Peeing in the potty has been fine for several months now)

We have been trying to plan a little getaway for some time now. It's been about 2 years since we took Miss M to Monterey, CA. During that visit, we stopped by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Miss M was so much younger back then, I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember the trip at all. One thing I remember clearly is that it took us 5 hours, with stops along the way, to drive from San Francisco to Monterey.

We've been thinking about another road trip for a while but never made any plans because we knew that we could not sleep in the same room as Miss M. She could never fall asleep if we stayed up later with the lights on. And DH & I do not want to go to bed at 8 PM.

We have finally made plans for another trip to Monterey. I think I've found the perfect place for us to stay; it has a "family suite". As I understand from the room description, there is a sofa bed in a separate room AND there is a door (very important!) between that sitting room and the bedroom. Hopefully this means we can put Miss M to bed around her usual time, around 8PM, while we can stay up later without distracting her from her sleep. Hopefully DH will manage to catch up on some reading and I can catch up on my knitting.