jeudi, décembre 07, 2006

Learning manners

Wow... yesterday, M said "please" for the first time on her own. She wanted something out of her reach. She reached out in the direction of that object (the dvd remote), and said please in her own way, a combination of "pea" and "pay".

She already knows how to say "thank you", which comes out as, "da doon," with the correct inflection. She also says that for "you're welcome" too.

We created new words on the fridge today (with her alphabet fridge magnets): voracious, hungry, famished, & temp. Then we stopped there since we used up all the vowels.

M is getting better at recognizing letters. We can write "A", and she'll tell us what it is. Works with "B" and "C" too. :-) Sometimes she'll point to a letter on something and say, "A!"

She's adding to new words when singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Gogo = twinkle; tar/ar = star; wuhwuh = wonder; ar = are; aba = up above; hi = high; dido = diamond; ky = sky.

It had gotten really cold here a week or so ago, so we started to turn on the heater in the evenings to warm up the house. We also use an electric throw to warm up M's crib (we remove the electric throw when we put her in the crib to sleep). We put her sleep sack in the crib underneath the electric throw so that it's nice & warm when we put her in it. We also started to put socks on her feet too.

Now that it doesn't feel as cold at night, or maybe we have acclimated to the cold change, she still wants socks on her feet at night. When we lay her onto her sleepsack, she will remind us about the socks -- by saying & signing socks -- before we zip her up.


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