samedi, avril 21, 2007

Current book faves

Sorry no pictures of Miss M to share at the moment. I haven't had a chance to sort through photos. For some reason there's quite a "process" to doing that...

M cycles through favorite books. These are her current faves:

Bear About Town by Stella Blackstone. She currently really loves this bear series. She loves to point at things and name them, or ask me what they are.

Bear At Home by Stella Blackstone.

Bear in a Square by Stella Blackstone.

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown.

Ten in the Den by John Butler. This is a very cute book, and I think it's the repetition that appeals to her.


jeudi, avril 12, 2007

Latest M-isms

M is definitely showing her preference for things, and has become very opinionated about things.

She's become a picky eater and will often veto foods I offer or suggest. Or she'll demand something specific. Lately this has been, "mac ah chee." (mac & cheese)

She's showing preferences in what she wears. It began with, "pih sock." (pink sock) Then it was which jacket, sweater, or vest she wore. She'll specify garment and color. And she's starting to do this with her shirts & pants also.

She'll tell you which book she wants you to read to her. Lately it's been one of the following: Sylvia Long's Mother Goose; Raffi's Wheels on the Bus; Raffi's Five Little Ducks; Raffi's Down by the Bay; Stella Blackstone's Bear at Home; Stella Blackstone's Bear About Town; Caroline Jayne Church's Do Your Ears Hang Low?.

She'll tell you exactly what she wants to watch on TV -- lately it's been "wito farty" (Wiggly Safari dvd) -- and which CD and sometimes specific songs to listen no while in the car.

She has some OCD tendencies, often pointing out crumbs on the floor/table or asking to have her hands wiped. That's not a bad thing, but sometimes she does it to an extreme. She's gotten into the habit of asking to have her hands wiped (during meals) before she picks up her sippy cup.

She clearly knows which bins are for garbage, and which one is for recycling. She will sometimes pick up something and say, "fro away," (throw away) as she is tossing it into the garbage can. And when I hand her paper and ask her to put it in the recycle bin, she will walk up to the recycle bin and place the paper in it. So she definitely knows the difference there...


mercredi, avril 11, 2007

Updated template

Well, I've gone and done it... I've upgraded my Blogger template. Now I need to wait for the dust to settle, and tweak tweak tweak some more...


Marisa's Size 5 Visual Clothing Inventory

Marisa is currently transitioning into 24mos/2/2T size clothing. I've been collecting size 3 and size 4, and have just started to collect size 5 clothes. I need a little help keeping track of what I already have. They all go into a box and I can't remember what I've already bought her. So this will be a Visual Inventory to remind me of what I have in the box. This will be easier than trying to go through the box cuz everytime I do that she will try to "help" by pulling everything out of the box. Then I end up having to refold everything...



PANTS (21; 19 full length, 2 capri):

SKORTS & SHORTS (2 skorts; 4 short) :

JACKETS (6; 2 fleece, 3 cotton, 1 other):


Outfits (1):

Pajamas (5; 2 short sleeve long pants; 2 long sleeve long pants):

