dimanche, février 25, 2007


M is still recovering from her cold. She's still congested, but doing better. Her spirits are back to normal which is a good sign. DH is practically recovered from his cold. I'm still congested, but feeling much better than last week. I'm still keeping Kleenex in business....

M is becoming quite the chatterbox, and tries very hard to repeat what we say. She's picked up quite a lot lately. She will dig through my purse for the car keys and say "ka kee", then run around the house trying to fit the key into the keyholes under the doorknobs (we have those old style doors with the bogus keyhole holes in them).

While I was pregnant, I had some preconceived notions about what my child would not do. I remember going to the lab to get some blood drawn (oh gosh, that's all they did while I was pregnant, poke, poke, poke) and seeing a toddler, in the waiting room, who was going through his mom's wallet. I thought to myself that I would never let my child do that. Ha! M goes through my purse and pulls out stuff all the time. There are times when I can't find the keys when we are about to go out. They could be anywhere in the house. Sometimes she puts them back in the diaper bag, but in the wrong compartment, so it takes me a while to find them.

It's really cute when you ask M to find something. "Where is Ojo?" She'll say, "mmmm," as she thinks about it before she goes about trying to find the Ojo (or whatever object you asked her to find). She says, "aaahhh," when she finds the object.

M has recently decided that her favorite word to say is "no", which is definitely not my favorite word for her to use! I'll ask her if she wants some spaghetti. She'll answer, "noooo!" I'll ask her if she wants to go out. She'll respond with, "noooo!" It's very frustrating.

It's still quite challenging to take photos of M. Once she sees the camera, she will immediately stop what she is doing to walk towards me (as you can see in the photo above) and try to reach for the camera. And that girl just can't be still enough to take clear focused shots.

As you can see, I've been fiddling around with Microsoft Photo Editor. I used the smudge tool in the first picture above, I think it draws the focus on M. She looks pretty good in that photo, one of those rare shots of her sitting still. She's wearing the Swirl Hat I made for the Cap Karma Project. This is what happens to my knitting. M gets a hold of it, then it disappears, then it gets rediscovered at a later date. I've already "lost" the dark green Embossed Turtle Cloth, I'm sure it will turn up someday. At least some things are consistent. When the tea tin full of crayons is empty, I can always find where she put them... they're always behind a specific box in the dining room. I have no idea what compels her to drop the crayons behind this box, but she does it all the time.

I used the sandstone texture tool in the high chair photo. I was thinking about reinstalling Photoshop on my laptop. I hadn't yet gotten around to reinstalling it when I switched from the Compaq laptop to the Sony laptop. Do I really need that time sink? I can spend hours fiddling around with Photoshop and have nothing to show afterwards. It's very frustrating.

Getting M into the high chair is quite a challenge for me. I can probably get her in the chair 1 out of every dozen tries. It is almost the same with the car seat and stroller. DH OTOH usually has no trouble at all.

M can sign more words now, including hot and cold. I need to learn more words.

She's pretty good at saying "go go" (goo goo, for auntie in Mandarin), "poh poh" (grandma in Cantonese), "nai nai" (grandma in Mandarin), "yeh yeh" (grandpa in Mandarin), "mama", and "dah doon" (daddy). She even says "gag-m" (grandma) and "annie" (auntie). She can sign aunt, mommy, daddy, and grandma. We're currently working on saying "goo poh" (great aunt in Mandarin). This will be a pleasant surprise for her Great Aunt Katie.

She's quite the picky eater lately. She vetoes most of what I offer her. I think she's entering a texture phase. She had tortilla chips for the first time a couple days ago and loved them. She asks for pizza rolls ("pee roll"). She still likes cereal. She never refuses fries. She is rejecting noodles more frequently now. I think she's just into more crunchy foods, and moving away from the mushy noodles.

M is starting to become more bossy and barking orders. She'll say "cheh" (chair) and "sit" to tell us to sit in the chair. She has even said, "cheh, floor," to me while pointing at the spot on the floor where she wants me to sit. She can say, "come," to indicate that she wants you to follow her.

DH & I normally dislike reality shows on TV, however we do indulge in American Idol each year. It's mindless fun, when you don't want to watch something as intense as 24. I recently discovered an AI blog, which is a hoot to read. http://idolingalong.blogspot.com/ We don't actually watch AI live. We let Tivo record it, and then we chip away at it in the days following. So this means we won't have an opportunity to vote. Our poor Tivo is almost running out of space with all the crap we record and the limited time we have to catch up with the shows (24, American Idol, Battlestar Galactica, Bones, CSI, Las Vegas, Naruto, NCIS, Scrubs) we have recorded. Then there's the oddball stuff I record which DH doesn't watch with me (such as Cadfael, Masterpiece Theatre, Mystery!, Rosemary & Thyme).



dimanche, février 18, 2007

Grape Leaf Inn - Mourvedre

DH & I had a quickie 1-night getaway since my MIL had Friday off and could babysit M for the night. So we packed half the house, so it seems, with all of M's necessities and dropped her off at the inlaws. Had a little bit of lunch, and left Fremont at 1:45 PM to head up to Healdsburg. We had not anticipated Presidents Day holiday weekend traffic on top of the usual Friday afternoon traffic. It was a long drive up to Healdsburg in mostly stop-and-go/crawling traffic. Quite painful, however slightly ameliorated by having Jamba Juice with us during the drive. I was expecting to arrive in Healdsburg around 4PM, however due to the holiday traffic and what not, we arrived at 6 PM. We got stuck in heinous traffic around Santa Rosa, and I was worried about making thi 4-6 PM check-in. I called the inn while we were stuck in Santa Rosa and they informed me that they would be there until 7 PM.

The pics above are of Grape Leaf Inn in Healdsburg, CA. We stayed in the Mourvedre room, which you can see in the 2nd pic. It's the room on the left on the upper level. The room is Octagon Shaped.

Here's what you see as you walk through the door:

This is the bathroom. There's a nice 2-person spa tub. :-)

This is the fireplace. I probably should have turned it on before taking the photo.

It's a nice cozy room. I love the shape and the high ceilings. I wouldn't mind staying in this room again.


Since we arrived at the inn so late, we only managed to briefly check out the wine/cheese tasting in the Speakeasy, and enjoy some tea & cookies while we relaxed a bit before our 8 PM dinner reservations at Ravenous just a few blocks away from the inn. The place is always crowded so you have to make reservations ahead of time. The food is delicious. I had the sea bass, and DH had the veal. We were too stuffed to have dessert afterwards. I was hoping to get a little bit of knitting done during the trip, but only managed about 18 rows on a scarf.

DH & I both had colds, so we weren't feeling our best during this trip. We brought all our drugs with us and drank lots of liquids. Since my symptoms have migrated from sore throat to painful cough & chest congestion, we picked up some Tylenol Cold Multi-Symptom caplets along the way. It wasn't until we were going to take it that we noticed the directions explicitly stating that we should "swallow whole - do not crush, chew or dissolve". How weird, I had never noticed such instructions before. Well this didn't jive with me since I have never learned how to swallow pills; I always chew mine. So I took some Theraflu instead. On the way home we picked up some Robitussin CF, which goes down much better for me since it comes in liquid form.

Didn't have time to do anything in the Healdsburg area other than taking a brief walk in the neighborhood before we checked out. It seemed like we spent more time packing M's stuff and on the road than actual veg time at our destination. Not counting sleep time, all we really had was 6:15 pm to 10:30 pm and 7:30 am to 11:00 am. DH & I were both feeling miserable from our colds. And it definitely wasn't quite the relaxing romantic getaway we envisioned having, with a possibility of working on baby #2...

The drive back was also slow due to traffic, some in Santa Rosa, but most of it stop & go between Richmond and Oakland. When we returned to the inlaws house we discovered that M definitely had a full blown cold. She had been feeling a little off for weeks with mostly a runny nose, however there was no mistaking her cold now ... she was clearly congested and had difficulty breathing & speaking. Poor girl.

The drive home was ok while she napped. I could hear her difficulties with breathing, then she woke up crying because of her congestion. Going to bed was also a bit of a painful experience, she woke up at night, and then managed to fall back asleep. She sounded bad when she woke up in the morning, and she has been spending much of the morning napping.

There is a family dinner tonight to celebrate Chinese New Year, it doesn't look like we're going to make it. M is definitely not going to survive a trip over to Fremont to have a late 6:45 PM dinner which would mean being up/out past her bedtime. Not a good thing for sick baby.

Time for me to stick my nose over some hot tea. Today I am enjoying Peet's Jade Mist Organic tea...


mercredi, février 14, 2007

Bad signage

I thought I'd share a sign I saw in a nearby shop window. It's a small clothing store that caters to people who understand "remold close" and "new arrive", I guess...

M has discovered a new comfy spot. She climbed up onto the recliner, then asked for Ojo (hidden on her right side), then Stitch, then Roo, then her water sippy cup, then the remote, then her hat, and finally her Pooh pillow. She's all set now...


Strange morning

A loud noise woke us up this morning at around 6:20am. It was a loud hum, and after a minute, we figured out it was a low hovering helicopter. It wasn't merely passing through. It hovered in the area for about 40 minutes. Later on we were able to distinguish 2 different hums, so there were definitely 2 helicopters out there. Very strange for the "suburbs" of SF. And the noise even woke M. Grrr! I think I have seen too many movies or something, cuz I couldn't help thinking that they were looking for some escaped fugitive who was loose in the area...

I have had a cold for almost a week now. I thought it was getting better when I woke up yesterday morning, but I definitely feel worse this morning. My voice was going yesterday afternoon, and it still doesn't sound very good this morning. Drinking lots of Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat, this stuff is great! And taking acetominophen and phenylephrine(sp?), your basic pain reliever & nasal decongestant. I'll be ok as long as M doesn't ask me to do too much reading and singing.

M is putting two words together. When we went to the park yesterday afternoon, she said "mor sai" which means "more slide". She wanted to go down the slide again. She can also put two words together when she's eating, to indicate what she wants more of to eat.

M is pretty good at counting from 1 to 10 now, however she has gotten into dropping 6. She'll say: reh, too, fee, for, fie, se-ye, ate, nie, teh.


mardi, février 13, 2007

Strange neighborly behavior

I first mentioned our X neighbors last month. Well, they're still doing strange things. Tonight at around 10:25 PM, we hear a weird knocking/thunking sound. We were in the computer room and the sound seemed to come from outside by the front of the house or downstairs. So we went to the living room and peeked out the window overlooking the street. What do we see? One of the X neighbors walking away from our house while holding & twirling a long object that looked like a golf club. Where he walked away from looked like he had been standing close to our garage door area (which the upstairs living room overhangs a bit). DH's car is parked in the driveway, so this is even more reason why someone wouldn't normally just stand or hang out in that area. Very strange neighbors they are indeed, loitering around our house in such a surreptitious manner as that.


mercredi, février 07, 2007

First trip to the zoo

M went to the zoo for the very first time today. It was a cooler overcast raining-on-and-off kind of day, not exactly the idea kind of day to go but we went anyways. It was raining as we walked towards the entrance. She didn't seem to mind the cold or wet day. She probably finds rain interesting. However her main goal was to get her hands on grandma's umbrella.

I think she enjoyed being at the zoo, however she didn't really show much emotion while there. I think she just didn't know what to make of all the animals she saw there. She insisted on sitting on this hippo after seeing some other kids do the same. The she loved it even more once she figured out she could slide off of it! Yeah, she loves the slide at the park too... :-)

The San Francisco Zoo really looks like a ghetto after having seen the San Diego Zoo. :-( I look forward to taking her to San Diego when she's a bit older...


M is absolutely thrilled that she has finally learned how to count from 1 to 10. I'll be driving in the car when she spontaneously decides she wants to count from 1 to 10 repeatedly, clapping in delight each time she reaches 10: reh, too, fee, for, fie, sih, se-ye, ate, nie, teh!

She can identify specific books and search for them. I'll start singing Itsy Bitsy Spider and she'll decide to look for the book, and she can pull that book out from the big pile of books she has! I'll start singing Wheels on the Bus, and she'll find the book! Since she has such a good memory on which books she has, I worry about what will happen after we have to return one of her favorites back to the library...

Of course I also worry about the day when she discovers that letting go of a helium balloon means it is gone forever...


lundi, février 05, 2007

Marisa's Size 4 Visual Clothing Inventory

Marisa is currently transitioning into 24mos/2/2T size clothing. I've been collecting size 3 clothes, and have just started to collect size 4 clothes. I need a little help keeping track of what I already have. They all go into a box and I can't remember what I've already bought her. So this will be a Visual Inventory to remind me of what I have in the box. This will be easier than trying to go through the box cuz everytime I do that she will try to "help" by pulling everything out of the box. Then I end up having to refold everything...




I also have two other bodysuits without pictures, another one like the light pink one, and another in the same style in a darker pink.

PANTS (17; 15 full length, 2 capri):

SHORTS/SKORTS (4; 2 short, 2 skort):

JACKETS (4; 1 cotton, 1 fleece; 1 outerwear 4-in-1 jacket; 1 other):

This blue jacket is reversible.

This purple one is a 4-in-1 jacket. You can wear the Outer layer by itself. You can wear it double-layer with the Inner layer inside the Outer layer. And the Inner layer can be worn on its own, and it is reversible so you can choose the smooth nylon side out or the soft fleece side out.


PAJAMAS (6; 4 long sleeve long pants, 1 short sleeve w/ shorts and long pants; 1 short sleeve long pants; 1 pj pants):

DRESS (1):

HAT (1):

(right side)

(left side)

