mercredi, février 07, 2007

First trip to the zoo

M went to the zoo for the very first time today. It was a cooler overcast raining-on-and-off kind of day, not exactly the idea kind of day to go but we went anyways. It was raining as we walked towards the entrance. She didn't seem to mind the cold or wet day. She probably finds rain interesting. However her main goal was to get her hands on grandma's umbrella.

I think she enjoyed being at the zoo, however she didn't really show much emotion while there. I think she just didn't know what to make of all the animals she saw there. She insisted on sitting on this hippo after seeing some other kids do the same. The she loved it even more once she figured out she could slide off of it! Yeah, she loves the slide at the park too... :-)

The San Francisco Zoo really looks like a ghetto after having seen the San Diego Zoo. :-( I look forward to taking her to San Diego when she's a bit older...


M is absolutely thrilled that she has finally learned how to count from 1 to 10. I'll be driving in the car when she spontaneously decides she wants to count from 1 to 10 repeatedly, clapping in delight each time she reaches 10: reh, too, fee, for, fie, sih, se-ye, ate, nie, teh!

She can identify specific books and search for them. I'll start singing Itsy Bitsy Spider and she'll decide to look for the book, and she can pull that book out from the big pile of books she has! I'll start singing Wheels on the Bus, and she'll find the book! Since she has such a good memory on which books she has, I worry about what will happen after we have to return one of her favorites back to the library...

Of course I also worry about the day when she discovers that letting go of a helium balloon means it is gone forever...
