vendredi, mars 09, 2007

Exploding Vocabulary

M's vocabulary is exploding. She is getting better at trying to imitate what we say. She can put two words together. She mostly has to work on pronunciation.

You can see some of her vocabulary words from Jan/Feb 2007 here:

This post will contain some new words she is saying now. I didn't want to keep adding to the first list indefinitely. This second list should make it easier to see how her speech has progressed. Like the first list, this one will be a work in progress...

We're starting to teach her our names and has the right idea but needs to refine her pronunciation. I figure it could possibly come in handy in the future, for example in the situation where she gets lost and needs to tell someone who her mommy & daddy are. It doesn't help others if all she says is "mommy" and "daddy".

This last was last updated on 4/21/2007.

Ah-beh Dor = open door
Ah-da-doon = okey dokey
Ah-done = all done (with food)
Ay-Jay Juice = orange juice
Ah-mor-eee-sin-ah-geh-tah = The More We Sing Together (a song she loves to sing, she says this when she sings it or when she wants us to sing it)

Baby-boll-chee = Babybel Cheese (the little round ones in the red wax)
Baby-Car = I think she's saying she wants to go into the car, or she's looking for her car.
Baby-sit-ah-chair = baby sit in chair
Bah-deh = spider
Bear-ah-gare = Bear in the Square (book)
Bear-home = Bear at Home (book)
Bear-town = Bear about Town (book)
Big-Mowf = mig mouth
Boo-beh Wah-foe = blueberry waffle
Boo-guy = blue sky
Bruh-ah-tee = brush teeth
Bye-deh = spider

Car-Key = car keys (she loves playing with my car keys and the turtle key fob that is attached)
Cell-foe = cell phone (she's starting to say this instead of cell-yo)
Come-Hair = comb hair
Cor-Fake = corn flake cereal

Daddy = daddy (she said this for the first time on 4/19!)
Dah-doon-neh-annie = Daddy name Andy
Dah-doon-sih-teh = Daddy (is) sitting
Dee-eee-wah-boe = Diablo
Die-Per = diaper
Duh-(ah)-buh-deh = Dust Buster

Ev-Vee = heavy, usually said when she's slipping while you are holding her

Fih = fix (as in "fix hair")
Foll-down = fall down, usually referring to her pants falling down
Fooit = fruit
Fow-wer = flower (a refinement of her previous, "wa wa.")
Fry = fries
Fum = thumb

Gah-veh = garbage
Goo-mor-neh = good morning
Goo-nigh = good night

Han-rail = hand rail
Heh-Heh = hanger
Ho-Vo = hold me

Ip-Boe = lip balm

Lie-down = lie down

Kam-Mah = Camera
kay-kay = Stand (I want to stand)
Keem = cube (rubik's cube)
Keh-Teh = carrots
Koe-Beh = Koda Bear (stuffed bear; the one on the right in the photo above)

Lawn-nee bah-kit ih bak = laundry basket is black (she's starting to form full sentences!)

Mac-an-chee = Mac & Cheese
Mah-Sah = Marisa (she is starting to refine how she says her name, she said this for the first time on 4/9/07)
Make-ah-beh = make the bed
Make-ah-toe = make toast
Mama-ho-vo = Mama hold me (pick me up)
Mama-neh-seh-tah = Mama name Stella
Mama-sih-teh = Mama (is) sitting
Mah-Goo = Mother Goose (she wants you to read mother goose to her)
Mah-Neh = Marisa
Mah-Neh = monkey
Mah-Neh-Goo = Mother Goose
Meh-Neh = morning (as in, "good morning")
Mit-Boll = meatball
Mor-Gip = more grapes
Mor-Keem-Kor = more cream (style) corn
Mor-Sai = more slide (she loves the slide at the park)
Music-ih lyap-sit = musical lapsit (at the library on Saturdays)

Nih-Poo = Winnie the Pooh

Oop-pee = oopsie

Pay-Peh Towel = Paper towel
Pee = please
Peh = pen (bah-peh = black pen)
Peh-Peh = pillow, Pooh pillow
Pih = plate
Pih-Sah = pink socks
Poo-Beh = Pooh bear
Pur-Poe Boe = purple bowl
Pur-Poe Cup = her purple plastic tumbler
Pur-Poe Pih = purple plate

Reh-Booh = read book, she wants you to read a book to her
Reh-(ah)-Gin = read again (she likes you to read a book repeatedly)
Reh-Juice = red juice (berry/grape flavored juice)
Roll = California Roll
Roo = Roo (stuffed kangaroo)

Sah-Beh = strawberry
Sah-Beh-Teh = strawberry
Sah-Gat-Teh = sunglasses
Sih-Sak = sleepsack
Some More = some more (when she wants more of whatever she is eating)

Tah-Toe = calculator
Teh-phone = telephone
Teh-teh = container
Tih-kel Meh-Seh-tah = Chicken Marsala
Tofu = tofu. (yes, she can say this!)
Too-bruh = toothbrush
Tur-Toe = turtle (sometimes referring to the turtle key fob attached to my car keys)

Wah-ah-boe = wash the bowl
Wah-ah-dair = walk up stairs
Wah-ah-teh-teh = wash the dishes
Wah-ter = water (she's modified her pronunciation from "wa wa")
Wee-toe-far-tee = Wiggly Safari DVD
Wee-wee-bah rown-eh-rown rown-eh-rown = Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round (book)
Weh-At = wear hat
Weh-Gato = wear jacket
Weh-Sun-Gat-Teh = wear sunglasses
Wep-High = wipe hand (she's asking for a napkin or baby wipe to wipe her hands clean)
Why-sah = white sock

Yellow teh-teh = yellow container
Yummy = yummy

Zah-Foo = Zoboomafoo (an animal tv program)
Zip-Boe = lip balm


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