mercredi, mars 07, 2007

San Francisco Zoo

M visited the zoo for the second time. Fortunately for us it was not a cold and rainy day, so it was much more enjoyable for her.

M spent 1/2 hour at the playground in the zoo. She loves the swing and slide. I think she liked this playground because there were so many other kids to see.


M loves her fries, and has figured out how to dip them into ketchup. She also knows how to use the fries as a means to get the ketchup; sometimes she just licks/sucks the ketchup off before dipping it again...

M wants to drink out of cups & bottles like Big People...

Here are some of the things we saw today. M got tired after the bears, so we didn't stop by the sections we saw on our last trip to the zoo. We'll try to hit them at our next visit.

This is the carousel at the zoo, although I don't remember it being call that when I was there as a kid (decades ago).

Here's what it looks like inside. Not very exciting, it looks just like many others. Sorry so blurry, I'm not very good with taking photos of moving objects.

Guinea pigs ...

... and rabbits.

Prairie Dog. Aren't they cute?




Of course I had to take some photos of these guys for V who is into Meek Rats.



Meek Rats love to dig...

There was an area with a bunch of large birds....



In some ways it is nice to view them out in the open, however, it seems a bit cruel to have them attached to chains. They can't really wander too far from their perch...

This was tho only one who decided not to sit on his perch. He was sitting on the ground by a tree near his perch.




Domestic turkey, I think.

Ducks near the petting area...



Wild turkey...

There was a peacock by the playground area. She closed her wings by the time I got close enough to take a photo. :-( But she's still very pretty and graceful. There were these stupid kids who tried to touch her or chase after her, so she'd try to run away from them. That certainly doesn't help encourage her to spread out again.










Bear on his way to join his buddy...


Polar bear...



This bear was walking towards the big tub of water where another bear was relaxing...


... and decided he wanted to get in too!



"Hey, whadya think you're doing? There isn't enough room for both of us!!!"




The bear that was originally in the tub was ousted ...

Oops! The supplanter overturned the tub...

There was apparently some object inside the tub that he was trying to get at.


"Now look what you've done! Neither of us can use the tub now..."

"Guess we'll just have to find something else to amuse ourselves with."

Pair of polar bears...



Giant Anteater who was pacing back and forth...




Just some daffodils I felt like taking a photo of...



1 commentaire:

V. a dit…

Great shots at the zoo - looks like you gals had a good old time. Thanks for the pictures of the meer kats - they're so cute. You should watch that show on Animal Planet - Fridays at 8pm - M might enjoy it as well.