mercredi, octobre 19, 2005

Marisa's first cold

Boo hoo, Marisa has finally gotten her first cold and she is miserable. Fortunately it's only been less than a week and she is recovering nicely. She is still having some difficulties breathing (stuffy nose) which causes her to wake at night. I understand, I can't sleep with a stuffy nose either. Poor thing was feverish, tired, and out of sorts. She hasn't been her usual active playful self. Not much we could do but make her comfortable and wait it out. Too bad we can't explain to her why she feels the way she feels. I've been more exhausted as a result of her cold, waking up when she wakes up, holding her a lot more, walking her around while she tries to fall asleep. There will be lots of laundry to do after she recovers, runny nose, wet sneezes, and drool all over everything...


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